What is his name? Scott
How long have you been married? almost 14 years
How long did you date? not sure
How old is he? 41
Who eats more? depends on what we are eating
Who said I love you first? me
Who is taller? He is
Who sings better? neither!
Who's temper is worse? me of course
Who does the laundry? We both do -- he usually puts it up though.
Who does the dishes? Both -- have a dishwasher -- life saver!
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed (when you are facing it)? me
Who pays the bills? Scott does -- long story!
Who cooks dinner? Just depends, usually me
Who mows the lawn? He does; I don't understand how this mower works
Who drives when you are together? Usually him, because I hate to drive.
Who has more friends? He does.
Who has more siblings? he does
Who wears the pants in the family? He is in charge! or at least that is what I let him think.
Okay, who to tag? Well don't know, so if you read it and want to play along, go ahead!

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