Where to start? Has it been an easy week? No. Has it been a horrible week? No. Has it been the week that I would have liked? Not even close. But, it has been a week where I have been caught up in emotions that have ranged from anger to tears to laughter.
I get angry with the kids for something dumb that they have done, and then I stop to remember how blessed I am to have children. I worry about our financial situation, and then I stop to remember that we both are blessed with jobs. I try to control everything and try to make things work and then I remember that I am blessed with a Father who has the ultimate control and who will take of the things in His time, in the way that He wants them, not the way that I think they should be. All of these things are there to remind me that no matter what He has blessed me even though I feel so undeserving, even though I wonder why me.

We are blessed Penny! I'll be praying for you!
Great post Penny. I really needed to hear that as well. :)
same kind of same thing---19 months now on net to provoke a university or ANYONE to simply repeat my very dangerous experiment to prove I HAVE SOLVED ENERGY CRISIS- I dont want your money-19 months and I am sick of it- sick of listening to energy crisis everyday on the news- sick of listening to obama talk about hope- hope that ordinary human beings like you and me come together and do something- well i did- i hand built a one million volt experiment to prove my 5 year ideology and noone helps to this day- no wonder why man was a slave since beginning of time- YOU DESERVE IT-when those who sacrifice for all of us ask for assistance- you do nothing- thus- you must all be controlled as it is clear you are too gluttonous and weak in your behavior with freedom and free will- you are lazy and weak as our fellow citizens fight wars for energy and you do nothing -solomon azar
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